Below key factors able us to work with fashion industries around the world.
Dynamic business models positioned to operate on flexible volume, low margins and short lead times,
Focus on sustainable product offers
Low-cost and duty free existing sourcing and production presence in key countries of the world
Service fees and highly competitive product prices
Clothing which covers human body
There are different kinds of material available to make a dress, clothing or garments We wear clothing primarily to protect our body from natural elements. Wearing garments has become a habit to all of us in today’s world. Social reasons and functional reasons are secondary.
History :
The archaeologists and anthropologists say that the earlier clothing was made of fur, leather, leaves or grass, draped or tied to the body. Since the beginning of mankind humans have used some kind of garments for their body. We in the modern times still drape, wrap or tie our cloths. The difference is that of different materials or fabrics we use to make our garments.